Scarlet Letter Revenge Quotes

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The Scarlet Letter Essay “All that guilty sorrow, hidden from the world, whose great heart would have pitied and forgiven, to be revealed to him, the Pitiless, to him, the Unforgiving! All that dark treasure to be lavished on the very man, to whom nothing else could so adequately pay the debt of vengeance!” (Hawthorne 111). Without doubt, throughout The Scarlet Letter Roger Chillingworth is been a very flat character in the sense that even from his first appearance in chapter three until chapter twenty-four when he drops dead his mission was to get revenge on Pearl's father. Chillingworth’s desire for revenge leads to a shadowed life thus proving vengeance ruins life of those who seek it. Sin affected his psychological state by growing his …show more content…

Hester Prynne- Chillingworth wife- has committed adultery- a sin not looked wisely upon in the puritan society, and that very sin is what started and drove Chillingworth's intentions for revenge through all twenty one chapters he is present in the novel: “But it was the constant shadow of my presence!—the closest propinquity of the man whom he had most vilely wronged! —and who had grown to exist only by this perpetual poison of the direst revenge! Yes, indeed!—he did not err!—there was a fiend at his elbow! A mortal man, with once a human heart, has become a fiend for his especial torment!" (Hawthorne 133). Nonetheless, Chillingworth has stayed true to his quest for revenge and search for Pearl's father for seven years. Sin swarms Roger and never lets him free, unlike Dimmesdale who is able to confess his secret and to find peace for soul:"Nothing was more remarkable than the change which took place, almost immediately after Mr. …show more content…

For all twenty-one chapters he is present in the novel, Chillingworth is presented in the shadows, or in the dark such as in chapter three: “Very soon, however, his look became keen and penetrative. A writhing horror twisted itself across his features, like a snake gliding swiftly over them, and making one little pause, with all its wreathed intervolutions in open sight. His face darkened with some powerful emotion, which, nevertheless, he so instantaneously controlled by an effort of his will.’ (Hawthorne 52).When Hester first sees Roger he is described as having a very negative connotation towards them, such as having a darkened face and being snakelike. Throughout the Novel Nathan Hawthorne perceives all of his characters within the light or dark. Chillingworth is always portrayed as being in the dark which is deciphered as being within sin, and filled with guilt. Unlike other characters who have some light, Chillingworth has never been in the light, debunked to the reader that the sin within him has yet to be forgiven. Furthermore, this then gives him a thirst for revenge and propound will to not stop unless he has settled his