Schempp Vs. Strange Case Change The Academic Climate Of Religious Study

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General Introduction Assignment 1) Summarize different theologians' ideas (or definitions) of 'religion and culture'. Paul Tillich of the twentieth century was considered to be one of the great protestant theologians. He defined religion as being the “ultimate concern”. Tillich explained this by stated that, “those that are most meaningful to us are expressions of this ultimate concern.” He believed that culture could be seen as a religion simply because different characteristics of culture such as arts, music, and etc reflected the “ultimate concern”. Another protestant theologian who came after Tillich was Rudolf Otto. Otto took interest in two words that are often found in most if not all religions. These words are “holy” and “sacred”. He believed that these were different reality and separate from everything else. 2) In what way did Schempp vs. Abnington Township case change the academic climate of religious studies? The Schempp vs. Abnington Township case changed the academic climate of religious studies in many ways. By allowing religion to be taught in schools, there was no violation to the constitutional separation of church and state. The ruling led to a dramatic expansion of religion in public universities and colleges within the first two decades of …show more content…

In everything people do, it is a result of something they have learnt or seen as a result of their culture and religion. When making many of our moral decisions religion and one’s culture is usually the basis of the decision being made. What we think is wrong or right or foods to eat or not to eat all boil down to the both religion and culture. Even as a denomination one can see different cultural aspect; for example within the SDA church there are overall ethics or guidelines that are generally followed such as worshipping on the Sabbath, but different backgrounds do worship differently based on their culture/ up

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