Schizophrenia In Movies

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Schizophrenia is a very interesting disorder that some people have to live with through out their lives. Dissociative identity disorder can also make a person suffering from it very hard to understand. Furthermore, both schizophrenia and dissociative identity disorder have been made famous by movies that have featured them as the main plot in their characters and have been falsely presented on screen. Both disorders have major challenges for the individuals suffering from them but with proper scientific studies both can be understood and treated. There are many psychological disorders that challenge many people in the world today but schizophrenia can be a psychological disorder that can be the most challenging. “Schizophrenia is a devastating …show more content…

Dissociative identity disorder can also make a person suffering from it very hard to understand. Furthermore, both schizophrenia and dissociative identity disorder have been made famous by movies that have featured them as the main plot in their characters and have been falsely presented on screen. Both disorders have major challenges for the individuals suffering from them, but with proper scientific studies both can be understood and treated. Schizophrenia and dissociative identity disorder have been made famous by movies that have featured them as the main plot in their characters and have been falsely presented on screen. Schizophrenia is a very interesting disorder that some people have to live with throughout their lives. Dissociative identity disorder can also make a person suffering from it very hard to understand and relate to. Nevertheless, both disorders have major challenges for the individuals suffering from them, but with proper scientific studies both can be understood and …show more content…

They both make it very difficult for a person suffering from either one to be a productive member of society. Some symptoms that are shared by both disorders are hallucinations and hearing voices that no one else can hear. Both disorders can make a person paranoid and become delusional. “Hearing voices, or auditory hallucinations as psychiatrists call them, is a common experience for people living with schizophrenia. In fact, it is so common that it is considered to be one of the principal indicators when considering a diagnosis”(Understanding voices, n.d.). Furthermore, people suffering from dissociative identity disorder hear voices from within their head while people suffering from schizophrenia hear voices externally outside of their head. Making each disorder distinctive and this also gives a direction for a doctor to give a proper diagnosis for distinguishing between the two

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