Career and College Research Paper I chose a Clinical and Counseling Psychologist for my career. I will diagnose patients and treat them through a series of steps and treatments (“19-3031 Clinical, Counseling, and School Psychologists”). I am interested in doing this for my career because as a psychologist I will be treating many ill people. I have various illnesses among my family and I feel as if it would be a suitable career for me. There are many different places and cities you can go to be a psychologist. I would like to work from either an office or hospital. Work hours vary through what type of patient you are dealing with. Most of the time the work hours will be 8:00 a.m. to 5:00p.m. Mondays through Fridays. As a Family Psychologist …show more content…
I will diagnose the patient, and based off of their disorder and or illness, I will develop a treatment plan. I will set goals for the patients and set up a therapeutic process. Besides dealing with single patients I will also teach classes and have group therapies. During an appointment I will be taking “S.O.A.P. Notes” which stands for Subjection, Observation, Assessment, and Plan (Griffith). The pay for this job will vary with where you work, and how many degrees you have. The annual pay as a Psychologist in Oklahoma is $43,240 - $66,920. The higher education you have the more you will make. Another place I would maybe like to work is in New York, which their annual pay is $89,430 (“19-3031 Clinical, Counseling, and School Psychologists”). As the years go by the job market will continue to grow. Studies show that by 2026 the job market will increase by 16% and progressively keep growing (“19-3031 Clinical, Counseling, and School Psychologists”). The past job market was not as high as it is now. Currently it is at its highest considering today's society and the way the world …show more content…
You will first need to go to college and began to get your bachelors degree in psychology. After you must complete an internship and pass a Psychology exam. You can apply for a certified license in your state or take a step further. You can then go onto college and complete your masters degree followed by a doctoral degree which will take up to 5-6 years to complete (“Clinical Psychology Job Description | What You'll Do”). I plan to get my license and my first degree go through the internship and began to work while still earning my other degrees. I will not respite through this process. To get into UCO you must score a “20 composite score on the ACT, or a 1020 reading and combined SAT score” (“Connect to Central”). You may also have a “2.7 GPA or score in the upper 50% ranked in your class” (“Connect to Central”). Another thing that will help you get into college is to volunteer locally and do community service. I have so far volunteered at the animal shelter, helped at church, and helped in Partners