Science Autobiography Summary And Analysis

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I can conclude from my Science Autobiography that the concepts that stuck in my mind for years after they were presented to me were oriented around an activity or project that involved hands-on experience and creativity. The creativity in each project or experiment was geared towards engineering ideas, but I would like to figure out a way to incorporate more creativity in other areas of science. It is easy to allow students to get very creative when addressing things that fall under the category of engineering and machines because they are all about design. It is when you reach topics that relate to how our world and bodies work that it becomes hard to think of activities and projects that promote creativity. The card sorting task that we did in class …show more content…

Science teaching involves the combination of three major components: Science and Engineering Practices, Disciplinary Core Ideas, and Crosscutting Concepts. The Science and Engineering Practices ensure that every science lesson is discovery based and explain what the students are expected to physically carry out. For example, students can be expected to plan and carry out investigations in order to answer questions or test solutions to problems. The Disciplinary Core Ideas ensure that each lesson is geared towards one specific goal, or objective. This prevents the lesson from incorporating too many concepts; therefore, preventing confusion within the minds of the students. Finally, the Crosscutting Concepts ensure that each lesson teaches the students a concept, or strategy, that can be used when they are presented with unfamiliar problems outside of the classroom. For example, a lesson could include the Crosscutting Concept of cause and effect. All three of these components mesh together in order to formulate a centrally-focused lesson that teaches the students scientific reasoning and strategy

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