Science Fiction: The Idea Of Parallel Universe

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Parallel universe: The idea of parallel universes seems something that is pulled right out of science fiction. With the growing research in cosmology, we are certain that the edges of the observable universe do not give away the full picture. Information carried to us by light does not seem enough.Scientists have long believed that our universe is not alone, that there are other or parallel universes out there where even light cannot take us. Interestingly even the math behind the big bang shows that our big bang is not unique. It shows that multiple big bangs can occur. Research in this area has yielded many diverse theories. Max Tegmark, a professor at Massachusetts Institute of Technology, has explained parallel worlds with 4 levels. LEVEL …show more content…

This myriad of universes lies beyond our observable universe. The base of the level 1 theory is that space is ever expanding. This ever expanding space has an infinite number of universes, from where we derive the term 'multiverse'. The compelling notion put forward by this theory is that life on earth is not unique. There can other universes with an exact copy of our solar system, an exact copy of earth and an exact copy of you. As per laws of nature, there are only certain ways particles can be arranged for life to exist and each living being is nothing but a set of an arrangement of particles. So with infinite universes and finite possibilities, it is probable that these particles arrangements can be repeated. Some arrangements might be similar to us and some will be an exact copy of us. With this mind-boggling idea, the good thing is that somewhere in the land of the unknown, your copies might be doing things which you are unable to do. Everyone's a winner. …show more content…

Everett explained that once the particle is measured, it takes all possible positions in different parallel universes.I many world interpretation, each universe branches into a bunch of new universes every time a quantum measurement is made. A modified theory was proposed by Professor Wiseman and his colleagues of the Griffith University. Just like Everett, they also believe that our world is among many.They propose what is known as Many Interacting Worlds. In Many Interacting Worlds, Professor Wiseman propose

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