Scientific Method Essay

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The scientific method has been used for many years. These methods helps researchers see what they want to see, or what makes them predicted. The scientific method in psychology has three different studies you have the Descriptive Studies, Correlational Studies, Experiment. Each study had a different meaning on how it works and how it goes with the scientific methods. The scientific method has five different steps to it. The first one is Perceiving the question after you have interested in something you question you want an answer. This is known as description. The next step is known as hypothesis. Forming a hypothesis is based on your observation. You make a guess and that’s base on everything you went towards your observation. The hypothesis …show more content…

After you have done the hypothesis the next thing to do is test the hypothesis over and over again to support the evidence. Testing the hypothesis these 5 methods it well all depends on the result the person will get. Either or you can do a detailed observation or do other ways to test your observation likes surveys, case studies, or a naturalistic observation, or many other ways you can come up with a result of your hypothesis. Testing the hypothesis is an explanation which leads to the next step drawing the conclusion. Drawing the conclusion after you have got your hypothesis and knowing that your hypothesis results worked and it didn’t worked then you have to work from the beginning again. These is you have to go to reliability of measurements, pick random way to perform the experiment. These is known as the goal of prediction after you’re done the next step is report the result. Reporting your result is your conclusion of your overall experiment. If you failed or succeed so other researchers can know what you found. Just because the result of your hypothesis was wrong doesn’t necessary mean you failed? It’s just mean that’s you found it and if other researchers can replicate your experiment then you will find other answers to your

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