Scientist-Practitioner Model Summary

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Hello Dr. Whalen and class, The scientist-practitioner model of practice and applied behavior analysis share some of the same commonalities. The scientist-practitioner model and ABA both have foundations that psychologists engage in psychological theory, field work, and research mythology (LeJeune & Luoma, 2015). The scientist-practitioner model urges therapist to use empirical research that influences their ABA. Therefore, this will allow therapist to continue advancing and improving the ABA field (Furthermore, they both share commonalities when it comes to identifying behaviors (dependent variables), experimental manipulation (independent variables), and evaluating treatment effectiveness. They also share commonalities in having the best research and clinical skills using scientific-based research to convey assessments and interventions. In order for clients to receive the best treatment we must use empirical science and evaluate treatment data to evaluate and make sure clients are receiving the best treatment possible for their individual needs. Furthermore, scientific approaches can ensure us that the interventions utilize should be the most effective. It is important that scientific practice provides us with the ability to acquire skills to evaluate and formulate hypothesis. The scientific-practitioner model ties into the BCBA guidelines as well. BCBA Ethical Code 1.03 Professional development …show more content…

Professional and ethical compliance code for behavior analyst. Retrieved http://bacb/com/wp-content/uploads/2016/03/160321-compliance-code-english.pdf LeJeune, J.T., & Luoma, J.B. (2015). The integrated scientist-practitioner: A new model for combining research and clinical practice in fee-for service settings. Professional Psychology: Research and Practice, 46 421-428. Retrieved from