Dispersion In Statistics

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1.0 INTRODUCTION Statistics deals with methods which help in estimating the characteristics of a population or making decisions concerning a population on the basis of the sample results. Statistics describe the data and consists of the methods and technique. For accuracy and reliability of data should be systematic manner collected with some predetermined purpose after collection data must motive to compare. (Akbhanj, 2013) The facts based on statistical operation are considered to be most reliable and dependable. ( Madan kumar, 2014)

Statistics is one collection methods for planning experiment. First step in statistics is collected basic objective of the purposed study. Secondly, organized data in a proper form like already removing errors, …show more content…

(DrZahid Khan, 2014) For found degree of different between values in distribution and average of the distribution.

Interquartile range(Appedix 6) calculation for found difference between the upper(Appendix 7) and lower quartiles. (Appendix 8). Semi Interquartile range called defined as the difference between first and third quartiles to divided by two (Appendix 9) Standard deviation calculation for average deviation of every observations, work with squares of value for further calculations. Consist 2 formulae in group data(Appendix 10). But normally standard deviation often used in ungroup data.(Appendix 11). (DrZahid Khan, 2014)

Coefficient of variation are represent in different units of measurement. Calculation changes from population over time and compare variability of two populations. (Appendix 12) (DrZahid Khan, 2014) Skewness measure probability distribution, it related the mean, median and standard deviation. (Appendix 13).

The management of the company claimed that the average earnings of employees we per week. The trade union representing the employees argues that this claim placed the average earnings too high. In is situation we can used the measure of dispersion calculation to analysis the result. (DrZahid Khan, …show more content…

Tabular presentation of data like frequency distribution tale which shows the data arranged into different classes and number of cases. Lower class limits are the smallest number that can actually belong to different classes. Upper class limit are the largest number that can actually belong to different classes. Class boundaries are the number used to separate classes without the gaps created by class limits. Class midpoints respective average of each class limits. Class width is different between two consecutive lower class limits or two consecutive class boundaries. (Winona Esel Bernardo, 2012)

Frequency table constructing as decide number of classes and determine the class width using range divided by number of classes(Appendix 62). Select first lower limit add class width to starting point for get second lower class limit and so on. List the lower class limits in a vertical column and enter the upper class limits. Represent each score by a tally mark in the appropriate class. Relative frequency table equal the class frequency divided by sum of all frequencies. (Appendix 63). Contingency table shown data enumerated by cell which r by c(Appendix 64). (Winona Esel Bernardo,