Scopes Monkey Trial Summary

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The Scopes Monkey Trial was a national court case debating the way evolution is taught in schools. John Thomas Scopes was a Tennessee high school teacher with a vision to teach the evolution of science differently than as it being Bible based. The teaching of evolution became frowned upon in 1925 and violated Tennessee’s Butler Act which stated that, public schools in the state were not allowed teach any worldview other than strict creationism. The Butler Act wasn’t repealed until 1967; forty years after the trial. This case went against Bible standards of human creation. During the court case William Jennings Bryan stated that Scopes’ ideas were, "fool ideas that no intelligent Christian on earth believes." These ideas of evolution over time not only challenged how science was taught in schools but also challenged people’s beliefs of the bible. …show more content…

It made scientific teachings turn into more realistic scenarios unlike beliefs. This court case set the tone for how the future of teaching would be held. After the trails Mississippi and Arkansas created laws for barring the teaching of creation in their public schools. Scopes’ ideas carried on into the 21st century influencing intelligent design. Now in modern America, religion is very biased especially in public schools. The teaching of the theory of evolution allows real scientific evidence to be taught instead of it being read out of the Bible. Now being taught as a theory and not as a fact, students are allowed to do research and learn through the history of our ancestors. What was believed to be wrong and immoral has changed America. The Scopes Monkey Trials were the national court case that spread modernism around America up into present

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