Scott Weiland Substance Abuse

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Just Say No Scott Weiland was the lead singer in the band Stone Temple pilots which was a very successful band. He began drinking alcohol and using marijuana at the young age of twelve and continued to abuse drugs and alcohol throughout his life. During his musical career, he also had a lot of trouble with drug and alcohol abuse. A tremendous amount of his time was spent in drug rehabilitation centers and other programs for drug users. Scott’s problems with substance abuse affected the course of his life greatly and it even led him to accidentally overdose on drugs which ultimately caused his death (Scott Weiland). Past surveys convey that over a ten year period the number of Americans who claimed to have used cocaine once increased …show more content…

A large chunk of substance abuse is prescription drug abuse. “Patients who choose chiropractic treatment have shorter recovery times, less reliance on medications, and enjoy significant improvements in symptoms such as pain” (Replacing Opioids for Pain). This shows that a chiropractor could actually fix their problem so that they would never get addicted to the drug in the first place. This would cause a whole lot less people ever even start using opioids so fewer people would become addicted to them. Chiropractic treatment helps restore the nervous system to its highest functioning capacity, gets rid of blockage on a structural level, reduces pain, improves range of motion, and cuts back on inflammation (Prescription for Pain). Chiropractic is a very effective way to reduce the abuse of prescription drugs. There are many benefits to chiropractic that will help patients feel better, faster. Also, if a patient goes to a chiropractor instead of getting drugs prescribed to them they will have a natural solution to their pain that does not discombobulate their nervous system. Overall, chiropractic care is a superior alternative to opioids and can drastically reduce the number of individuals addicted to …show more content…

For example, People use drugs in television shows all of the time and that leads people to believe that doing drugs is “cool”. A lot of those people do not know the horrible side effects of taking drugs. This is because television shows that glorify drugs do not show any of the negative sides of drugs only the desirable short term effects. Something that can help people from being swayed by the media is to have advertisements put up online showing the effects of substance abuse. Doing this would you inform people of the terrible long term effects of doing drugs. It would be much more likely that a person would never even try the drug they were thinking about trying. More people would be saved from getting addicted to drugs. Also, if enough people saw those advertisements, it would be more likely that television shows that glorify drugs would lose popularity. As a result of this, the media would stop glorifying drugs. Putting an end to the glorification of drugs would drastically reduce the number of people who get addicted to

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