Scout's Change From Beginning To Today Research Paper

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Scouting’s changes from its beginning to today Scouting is a movement that was created over a hundred years ago in order to educate youth. The “regular” man who started it all is highly regarded and there are “… literally millions of people in the world to-day who are the better for Robert Baden-Powell having been born. There are few – whether prophets, kings or statesmen – about whom as much could be said.” (Wade 13). As can be seen by this citation, he is greatly upheld for the movement he began and for the effects it has made on countless people in the world. In fact, over the span of the 20th and 21st centuries, scouting has taught countless youth an incalculable amount of invaluable skills and information. However, does scouting still …show more content…

These are two positive aspects of scouting that will always remain timeless and relevant no matter how our society evolves. When I was in scouting, I was taught countless survival skills that could aid me in surviving any emergency in addition to the fact that I was educated about various issues and why we care. While in scouting I learned a multitude of survival skills and such as: fire building, canoeing, shelter building and then some. These are skills I will remember for the remainder of my life and will be able to use whenever I camp or am lost in the woods and when I become a scouter. Through scouting, I learned the value of volunteering; that being why people volunteer and the differences brought on by it in our society today. For example, last year I went to Moisson Rive-Sud which is an organization that prepares baskets for the less fortunate; I spent the entire day making food baskets for the less fortunate. Another example, is the volunteer work I accomplish for the United Church’s biannual supper fundraiser in Saint-Bruno. I assisted by cleaning dishes and organized younger scouts to be of service to senior citizens for whom the trays were too heavy. These are but two examples of the volunteer work I partake in annually with scouting. It is wonderful for me to know that I have made a …show more content…

I learned to be an aware citizen and realized why I plant trees annually with my scout group and why I should care what politicians promise and lie about in the news. On an international scale, I also learned to be a globally aware citizen. For example, the rover section of my group (18-26) will be journeying to Nepal in the coming year on a humanitarian trip in order to lend a hand and build a hospital and a school. These are just a few of the values and realizations I have thanks to scouting and further prove that scouting persists at being as relevant today as it was in the past and will always have its place even, in today’s modern

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