Screen Technology Gone Too Far Essay

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American teens can spend up to 9 hrs a day using digital media according to Rawhide. I like to think that screen technology hasn’t gone too far. I think our modern dependence on screen technology has gone too far. As a teen we use technology for school and to communicate with others but altogether those activities should only take up to 3 hrs of our time what are we doing with the other six hours or so? One of the biggest problems why people say screen technology is bad is because we are on it all the time. But what are we doing with those extra 6 hours of time that we spend on digital media when we are not communicating or researching? The answer is we are trying to entertain ourselves. We play games and go on social media to entertain ourselves 24/7 in this generation we expect to be entertained all the time. An example could be in the infographic “To much screen for our teen” It says that 51% of kids watch TV when doing homework, 50% use social media when doing …show more content…

In the document “Technology is destroying our inner live” it says, “ The writer self has a deep need for solitude, or rather, I have a deep need for solitude, which is probably why I write. My longing for quiet and solitude comes from the urgency- the desire to think. And thinking requires no intrusions, at least for a time.” Technology can somewhat distract us from the simple things like sleeping according to Rawhide Too much screen for your teen 65% of teens sleep with their phone near their bed and 1 in 5 teens wake up in the middle of the night to check their phones. This example shows us how sometimes our addiction to the screen can interrupt our focus and our thinking. An example i can relate to is when I am sleeping and I am having a great dream but all the sudden i get woken up by a phone ringing or buzzing and it kind of upsets me. Technology can sometimes get in the way of our thinking and

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