Scythes Should Be Allowed To Save The Workers In Room 601

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The dark triumph of Rowan’s victory over Scythe Goddard in Scythe shows that goodness always prevails over darkness, ending the dehumanizing ways of the Scythes. Rowan faces his first gleaning mission in the Research Facility. Despite the bloodthirsty Scythe’s ready to glean, Rowan refuses to take any part in the massacre. As the scythes gleaned all of the workers in room 601, Rowan chose to save the workers in room 602. If any of the workers doubted Rowan's knowledge, they were “chased away by the sounds of desperation and despair”(Shusterman 259). Personifying the sounds of desperation and despair, emphasizes the intense emotions and great sacrifice Rowan made. Rowan sacrifices his life for the workers at the research facility. The word “chased” is generally used when there is an inescapable end, this also relates to the inescapable end of the workers, and …show more content…

Similarly, the workers in the facility would have also become the sounds of desperation and despair if they were found escaping. Furthermore, the alliterative “d” further highlights the alarming Scythes following behind Rowan and adds a very dramatic effect to the situation, demonstrating how severe and stressful the situation really is for Rowan. The choice that Rowan made to put the workers safety before himself shows the prevalence of goodness over darkness in Rowan’s character. Moreover, as Scythe Goddard and his disciples glean the group of Tonist, Rowan is presented with the task of gleaning the Tonist curate to complete his training. However, he “[wouldn’t] do that” (Shusterman 390). Instead, Rowan chose to “hit [his] true mark”(Shusterman 392), a Scythe Goddard. The short and simple responses of Rowan to Scythe Goddard reflect his change in patience for Goddard and his evil ways. Rowan’s frustration and loss of patience juxtaposes to the curious and open-minded relationship with Goddard prior to this

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