Sdsa Pros And Cons

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Social Security Administration (SSA) was created when President Roosevelt signed the Social Security Act. The Social Security Act is an act to provide for the general welfare by establishing a system of Federal old-age benefits, and by enabling the several States to make more adequate provision for aged persons, blind persons, dependent and crippled children, maternal and child welfare, public health, and the administration of their unemployment compensation laws; to establish a Social Security Board; to raise revenue; and for other purposes.(

The Social Security Administration (SSA) is a Federal agency within the United States Government that is responsible as the administrator of Social Security, …show more content…

Next, I will provide a deeper dive into the material mentioned. The Medicare Part A option is available to individuals who are 65 years of age or older. They must be citizens of the United States and are eligible to receive Social Security benefits; eligible for railroad retirement benefits; the individuals spouse qualified for Social Security; worked a set number of years within a federal position; dependent parent of a insured deceased child. If individuals does not meet the criteria mentioned above, they may have the option to enroll in Medicare Part A, by paying the monthly premium. In addition, there are situations where a person may enroll in Medicare Part A prior to the age of 65. For example, a person is entitled to Social Security disability benefits for more than 2 years; receive disability pension from the railroad retirement board; receive Social Security disability benefits due to Lou Gehrig’s disease; worked a number of qualified years within a federal position; child or widow age 50 or older of a person who worked in a federal position. Medicare Part B is for individuals who are eligible for Part A, can enroll in Part B by paying the monthly premium. It is important to note that individuals with higher incomes may pay higher premiums. If an individual is not eligible for Part A at no cost, they can purchase part B, without including Part A. However, they must be 65 years of age; US citizens and can enroll during open enrollment period. An individual is eligible to receive Medicare Part C, if they have the original Medicare option. Finally, Medicare Part D coverage is for anyone who is patriciate in Medicare Part A or Part B. The concept of registering for Medicare prescription drug plan is voluntary and individuals will pay an extra monthly premium for that coverage.