Sea Port Advantages

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Every sea port has positive affected on development of employment and revenue earning of a country. Mostly, the positive trade and balance of payments depend on good seaports and it is cleared that ports have significant impact locally, regionally and nationally. Ports have a positive impact on the growth and development of countries. If we look at the economic history of coastal area such as Britain, Spain and Portugal clearly we can find out their ports have played the significant and critical role in the development of their economy. In fact, the leading sector of a country like Singapore is its deep sea port. Ports have enabled to Japan. Through the ports Japan able to build up export processing zones that have turned Japan into good exporters.

Theoretically, sea ports are played an important role for making economic infrastructure which is significantly affected on the domestic economy. For Bangladesh, Sonadia Island is the great location for port. Many experts say that there are many significant reasons why we should build deep sea port in Sonadia Island. These reasons are given below:
1) It can gives us to uninterrupted coal supply for the power plants to be established in Moheshkhali
2) It helps us to support our economy growing up near seaborne trade needs in the future
3) It will take us along with the global shipping trend of moving towards larger tonnage
4) We can utilize this Sonadia Island for our geographical advantage to become a regional access door to the sea

Bangladesh stands on the vortex of the Bay …show more content…

Because, they are very favorable for Bangladesh to contribute our developing site. Specially, China is directly wanted to invest in Bangladesh sea port in Sonadia Island which can be massive benefit for developing economy of