There are currently about 28 whales in captivity in SeaWorld alone (Miller, 2015.) Is animal captivity a good thing, or bad thing? Well, some people believe that keeping animals in captivity is inhumane and dangerous to the species. While people on the other hand believe, that it is essential for education and that it is important, so we can learn about different animals. In the SeaWorld Dilemma, about keeping animals in captivity, there are many different opinions and ideas that have been brought to light. This paper is going to include an unbiased analysis on how to deal with some of these issues, and the positions and interest of some of the stakeholders. It will also include, a recommendation on how to plan a negotiation with all of the …show more content…
Stakeholders are anyone who has an interest, or concern with SeaWorld. Some of these stakeholders include: customers who go to SeaWorld, SeaWorld’s employees, PETA, businesses around SeaWorld, OSHA, and many other different groups, and people. Each of these stakeholders have different opinions, so therefore, they have different positions and interest. The position of the SeaWorld’s employees could be, that they want to keep their jobs at SeaWorld. Their interest could be, that they want to be able to make money. For PETA, the positions and interest could be completely different. PETA’s position is that they don’t want to keep animals in captivity. Which means, their interest could be that they want the orcas to be healthier, and for them to be able to survive in the wild. The businesses around SeaWorld want to keep SeaWorld open, because it is what brings them a big part of their business. Therefore, their position is that they want to continue to get customers. Their interests are simply that they want to continue to make money. OSHA’s position is that they want to keep the orcas separate from the trainers. Their interest behind that is that they want to keep the trainers safer. With that said, one can tell that there are many different positions and interest from all sorts of different stakeholders. The problem is; how does someone get all of these people to work together in order to complete …show more content…
Although, there are many more facts that would also need to be considered in order to have a successful negotiation. Another thing that would need to be taken into consideration is biased information, and how to handle that information. One source of biased information could come from the movie Blackfish. To deal with this information, one would have to realize that it is one sided, and that a film can be edited in order to manipulate the audience. The best way to deal with information like this is to do the homework, and check the facts. Now that some of the things to take into consideration have been mentioned, lets move onto the actual negotiation part. The negotiation would be broken down into six different meetings and seven settings, in order to make everything fair. The stakeholders who are pro-captivity would all meet up at SeaWorld. They could all come together and find an argument against the anti-captivity stakeholders. Prepare papers, and facts to why they should be able to keep animals in captivity. At the same time, but at a different location the anti-captivity stakeholders would also be doing the same thing. Now, when both parties meet up they will each have different talking points and facts to share with the opposite side of the issue. These would be the first two meetings to take place. Now, for the third meeting, this is where all of the stakeholders