Second Treatise Of Government Essay

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As I explain in the Second Treatise of Government, the political institution or as others would call it, the state, should not be involved in the private life of the individual. The viability, which individuals obtain by consenting into the civil society, does not give the authority the right to control every aspect of their private life. Indeed, the government should not be an absolute power, which could use force to manipulate, and by extension force individuals to comply with the suppressive ideology behind such government. The government should only be a platform, which informs the individuals of the laws, which are found in the commonwealth and that, by consenting individuals agree to follow. The spoilage principle, which I objectively explain on the second treatise of government entails that people should only use a resource as long as it does not prevent other people from obtaining the benefits that such is going to provide. By such definition and by observing how technology has come to persuade children, one could object that the use of technology in young children could be harmful to the development of social, adaptability, and self-motivational skills. Furthermore, this habitude …show more content…

As I proclaimed in my writings, the private sphere, which is the circle in which the man is in charge should be independent of the public sphere in which the monarch makes all the decisions for the wellbeing and only for the wellbeing of the commonwealth. On that noted, the government should be excluded from the relationship between a man, a child, and an IPad. The government is a podium in which individuals could stand to perform their civic duty, which entails their liberty. Additionally, the government should and is a communion that could only function on the principles of the laws of nature, which entails the principles of Life, Liberty, and