Seeds Germinate The Fastest Lab Report

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In Which Solution of Fertilizer Will Seeds Germinate the Fastest? Background Fertilizer is a substance applied to a plant, or surrounding soil, to provide extra nutrients for the plant. Fertilizer is used by many farmers, gardeners, etc. to assist plants in growing faster and having better quality crops. But at what point does the fertilizer essentially “cap out”, meaning, at what point does adding more fertilizer not give the plant(s) any additional assistance? The plant being tested in this is experiment is the radish plant. This experiment will show which solution of fertilizer will help radish seeds germinate the fastest. While fertilizer can be very helpful in producing high quality crops, it also has its disadvantages. An excess of …show more content…

A cup of water was poured into a spray bottle. 2. A paper towel was sprayed by the water until damp. 3. 5 radish seeds were placed randomly on the paper towel. The paper towel was folded in thirds around the seeds and placed in a ziploc bag. 4. Steps 1, 2, and 3 were repeated 3 times. 5. A cup of 100% Liquid Miracle Grow Fertilizer was measured out with a measuring cup, and poured into a spray bottle. 6. A paper towel was sprayed by the fertilizer until damp. 7. 5 radish seeds were placed randomly on the paper towel. The paper towel was folded in thirds around the seeds and placed in a ziploc bag. 8. Steps 5, 6, and 7 were repeated 3 times. 9. ¾ of a cup of water, and ¼ of a cup of liquid fertilizer was added to a spray bottle. 10. A paper towel was sprayed with this solution until damp. 11. 5 radish seeds were placed randomly on the paper towel. The paper towel was folded in thirds around the seeds and placed in a ziploc bag. 12. Steps 9, 10, and 11 were repeated 3 times. 13. ½ of a cup of water, and ½ of a cup of liquid fertilizer was added to a spray bottle. 14. A paper towel was sprayed with this solution until damp. 15. 5 radish seeds were placed randomly on the paper towel. The paper towel was folded in thirds around the seeds and placed in a ziploc …show more content…

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