
Selective Service Research Paper

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The first thing that will appear if you log onto the United States Selective Service System’s webpage is a picture of a man accompanied with this caption:
“Register: It’s what a man’s got to do. It’s quick, it’s easy, it’s the law,” (Selective Service System 2015).
Why doesn’t the website have any women pictured or any words of motivation for women to register for the Selective Service? The reasoning for this is because women are not required by law to register for the Selective Service at the legal adult age of eighteen as opposed to men. Why aren’t women required to register upon turning eighteen like men are? Is this because we as a nation don’t see women as capable of doing the job? This is a prime example of an issue that is inadvertently …show more content…

In other words, the citizens of the United States are involved with the government and how it is run. However, some women feel that they are not playing their part due to not being required to register for the Selective Service.
“If American women expect to reap the benefits of our free American society; if they have any hopes of participating fully in our democracy, then they, like men ought to be expected to bear the responsibility of defending it as well” (Goode-Burgoyne 2014).
In addition, forcing women to register for the Selective Service would support feminism. Feminism is the advocacy of women’s rights on the grounds of equality to men politically, economically, and socially. The main argument that feminists proclaim is that women should be treated the same way as men are. A step in that direction would be requiring them to register for the Selective Service like men are required to. The rebutting argument is that the majority of women aren’t interested in the military and wouldn’t want to be subject to join in the event of a draft, but there are men that feel the same way but are required by law to register for the Selective Service, and will face a hefty fine or possibly jail time if they do not fill out the proper paper work and …show more content…

Being registered for the Selective Service will only subject someone to being drafted to the military in a critical time of need. According to Sisters In Arms, there are pros to having women in combat. “Women are more effective in some circumstances than men. Allowing women to serve doubles the talent pool for delicate and sensitive jobs that require interpersonal skills not every soldier has. Having a wider personnel base allows militaries to have the best and most diplomatic soldiers working to end conflict quickly,” (Sisters In Arms 2009). According to an article from The Washington Post that cited studies from Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) and Harvard Business School, proves that “group intelligence of an organization rises when women are on teams. Women bring a unique level of social sensitivity, the ability to read the emotions of other people. On today’s complex battlefields, social sensitivity is a crucial skill for military professionals,” (Denn

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