The Role Of Hopelessness In Alice Walker's The Color Purple

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Hopelessness is a common feeling among people today due to a number of controlling figureheads, such as parents, governments or boss, in everyday life. Nobody understands this hopelessness better than the protagonist in The Colour Purple, by Alice Walker, who struggles with finding her independence in a world of controlling men and no imagination of a better future. At first, the protagonist, Celie, obeys an abusive husband, and never fights back because she has no role models to teach her otherwise. However, as independent, strong women are introduced into her life, Celie begins to understands a life where she follows her dreams and live by her own rules. Finally, following the example of her role models, Celie is inspired to become an independent businesswoman with a healthy view of self-worth. Throughout this novel, the protagonist experiences that in order to break free from oppression, strong role models must be present to model an alternative lifestyle and inspire independence. Initially, the protagonist lives obediently, unable to fight against the oppressive men in her life because she has no strong women to inspire her. At the young age of twenty, …show more content…

In the example of Alice Walker’s The Colour Purple, the protagonist, Celie, lives oppressed, obedient and controlled by her abusive husband, unable to fight back due to the lack of strong role models. But, Celie begins to learn how to be independent and to follow her dreams zealously, thanks to the introduction of strong female role models. In fact, it is the example of these role models that aids Celie in becoming an independent businesswoman who believes in her self-worth. Hopelessness will strike every person in their lives at some point, due to oppression or stressful situations, but with a quality support system, that hopelessness can be