Self Assessments: Rarely Sometimes Always

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Directions: Please rate yourself honestly in regards to the following question by circling the number that closest relates to your feelings about the questions. 16) I prefer to have a diverse group when dealing with groups or events. Rarely Sometimes Always 1 2 3 4 5 17) I like to perform self assessments on a regular basis checking both my weaknesses and strengths with regards to diversity, and in turn try to better myself. Rarely Sometimes Always 1 2 3 4 5 18) When dealing with people who are different from myself, I like to know who these people are as individuals. Rarely Sometimes Always 1 2 3 4 5 19) I give out responsibilities equally to people who are like myself, and people who are not. Rarely Sometimes Always 1 2 3 4 5 20) I do not put …show more content…

It is important to understand that your disregard of company rules and values, in regards to diversity awareness, can get you into some serious trouble so a change must take place. You should review the questions and select the ones that you scored lowest on. Creating both professional and personal goals can assist you in creaking free from your bad habits. Another suggested course of action would be to watch the Facebook videos mentioned in part 3 ( ) to help you understand diversity consciousness a little bit