Self Confidence In The Great Gatsby

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While Jay Gatsby was praised by Fitzgerald and other characters throughout the Great Gatsby only his success separates him from anyone else with a dream and self-discipline. Fitzgerald utilizes Nick Carraway in setting Gatsby on an elusive pedestal. Throughout the book Nick narrates his view of his curious neighbor and the honorable qualities he perceives in him. His reputation for lavish parties and insurmountable wealth further his climb into seemingly impassable righteousness as characters throughout the book fawn over Gatsby’s boisterous parties. His polished variant of his life story only builds the argument that he is indeed great. Throughout the Great Gatsby Fitzgerald uses all of these in order to build him up into this unattainable son of god. However in reality he remains a nobody from nowhere whom anyone has the potential to become. However he is a self-made man from nowhere who with hope, self-discipline, and drive, was able to achieve the status he had, and only his success is what distinguishes Gatsby from a nobody. F. Scott Fitzgerald advances the shining character of Gatsby through Nick Carraway’s narratives. Fitzgerald writes, ““they’re a rotten crowd,” I shouted across the lawn. “You’re worth the whole damn bunch put together.” “(Fitzgerald, 1925, 154). Nick places Gatsby above the rest of the people during that time period. This placement furthers the reader’s view of Gatsby as unreachable and unworldly. Nick describes Gatsby, “there was something