The Social Penetration theory is associated with the exposure of the details of one’s self starting with small to more intimate details. Such details get more intimate as a trust is formed between the individuals, and exposure is reciprocated. Social Penetration theory can be exposed and versed through studies, such as Wang and Tang’s study of online bloggers, in mass media and television shows such as AMC’s Breaking Bad, and even in our personal lives between couples or other intimate relationships. The notion of Social Penetration is illustrated in Jih-Hsin Tang, and Cheng-Chung Wang’s study “Self-Disclosure Among Bloggers: Re-Examination of Social Penetration Theory.” The study was conducted to determine if the Social Penetration theory …show more content…
Due to the fact that we were introduced to each other by a mutual friend and had no prior interaction with each other, our first conversations were very impersonal. As our platonic relationship progressed and due to the fact that our central means of communication was through text-messages, we decided to do what any other teenagers who are interested in each other do: play 25 questions. Being a game of questions and answers and having to also answer questions that we have asked, we were able to reciprocate very intimate details about our lives. This was the first time we were getting into specific personal details about each other, and because of the way the game is set up, we had to reciprocate parallel intimate details to each other. This quickly allowed a sort of trust to build among the both of us, which enabled us to go even deeper into our personal lives. In time, as more intimate details have been disclosed, we eventually came to the point where we are now where I believe that we can tell each other almost anything without a second thought. We trust each other with intimate details of not only our past, but also our present and future that not many people can discuss in their relationships. Thus, we have progressed to the final “shell’ in the Social Penetration theory, where we can share the most intimate and personal details with each other. This interaction between my girlfriend and I is a prime example of the Social Penetration theory because, of how superficial details were first exchanged, and due to the closeness that a couple share, we were able to go into some of the most intimate details of our lives. This all had to happen through the building of trust and reciprocation of details of each other’s lives that was done in the “talking stage” of our