Self-Accuracy And Self Efficacy

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Decision-making is something people have to do daily. A good decision is determined by high accuracy and high self-confidence placed in that decision. The relationship between accuracy and self-confidence is called calibration in decision-making studies. Calibration have been studied and researched on for many years. However, little research had been done to determine what effect does self-efficacy have on calibration. Therefore, the authors would like to investigate the effects of self-efficacy on calibration, which is the main issue in the article. The authors incorporated the concepts of self-efficacy, self-confidence and self-awareness in their study.

Self-efficacy is the belief of one’s chances to successfully accomplish a specific task. …show more content…

Self-awareness is an emotional intelligence and an ability to manage oneself in a mature and constructive way (Goleman, Boyatzis & McKee, 2002). A study on nurses in an Egyptian Psychiatry Clinic showed that a self-awareness program had a positive effect on mounting self-efficacy (Ahmed & Elmasri, 2011). Another study conducted regarding metacognition and information technology had results showing that individuals with higher computer self-efficacy were more self-aware (Gravill, Compeau & Marcolin, 2002). These studies showed that self-efficacy and self-awareness are positively related and support the authors and their references. Hence, it is reasonable for the authors to consider self-awareness in the study despite not fully analyzing …show more content…

A study done on academic motivation showed that response scale properties can influence the outcome of an investigation (Pajares, Hartley & Valiante, 2001). An efficacy scale with the 0-100 response format is a stronger predictor of performance than one with a 5-interval scale (Bandura, 2006). They authors had done well to consider the psychometric integrity but should have altered the scale to a 0-100 scale for more significant results.

Although self-efficacy is conceived as a trait, it is changeable, especially in response to critical life events (Bandura, 1995). This shows that self-efficacy can vary in different environmental and life situations the individual is in. The authors did not consider how external factors might affect self-efficacy. The context in which the study is being held will affect the results. For example, self-efficacy beliefs can vary by race and ethnicity (Marra & Bogue, 2006). Test results may prove otherwise if people from a different race or ethnic background were