Self-esteem is how one perceived their own value and competency. It has always been seen as an individual problem. Many countries have failed to recognize the potential adverse effects self-esteem has on the society. Towards modernization, organization such as Nation Association for Self-Esteem, whose formation was propelled by California Task Force created in 1986, arise to ensure healthy self-esteem around the world. (NASE, 2010) California was the first to indirectly improved self-esteem among its people through policies and revolutions. The revolution of race and ethnicity allow her to be popularized by non-whites, thus claiming a title of a “cosmopolitan” state. This enhanced the self-esteem of many minority races and ethnic groups. They also placed high importance in ensuring equality in gender which diminished the social stigma placed on females. (Mecca et al., 1989) These measures prevented potential conflicts and helped some people to gain confidence in themselves. It is important to look into self-esteem as it may result in social isolation, depression, anxiety and a decline performance in work. For example, low self-esteem may lead to negative cognition, …show more content…
The study by Schmitt and Allik (2005) also aim to find out if people of different culture and nation respond to positive and negative words differently. Results concluded that positively worded statements generally have a higher score than negatively worded statements. (Schmitt & Allik, 2005) An investigation of the scale itself is important to identify bias or fake response, which is also our third objective. We would like to examine if PL2131 students have different response towards positively worded items and negatively worded items in RSE scale. The null hypothesis (NH) is that there is no difference in the scores while the research hypothesis (RH) is that there is a