Self Perception In Macbeth

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“But let the frame of things disjoint, both the worlds suffer” as said by Macbeth Act 3 scene 2 line 17, in Shakespeare's play Macbeth. As Macbeth's view of himself disjoints it becomes hard to differentiate illusion and reality. Self perception can distort reality warping the views someone has. Macbeth's self perception was changed him to react according to his new views on life despite reality.

At the start of the play Macbeth’s self perception is that of a noble warrior. He views himself as a chivalrous, loyal, and honourable soldier to his king. Macbeth at the start of the play shows this before he even is properly shown in the play by fervently fighting for his king against rebels and norwegian troops. Things start to change after the meeting with the Witches however and Macbeth's self perception begins to change. After being told he will be king Macbeth starts to entertain the idea of murdering his current king although since he still wants to view himself as a good and honourable man the thought disturbs him greatly. What ends up happening is after someone else is named next in line for kingship Macbeth takes things into his own shaking hands. Killing the king with a heavy dose of guilt impacts Macbeth as seen later in the play and his image as a noble warrior soon fades. …show more content…

Macbeth now views himself as bit of a machiavellian ruler, using schemes and deception to achieve his twisted goals. He proves this when he convinces a few murderers to assassinate Banquo and his son Fleance and again later when he does the same to Macduff's family. Macbeth is blinded by his obsession with prophecies and cannot see or refuses to believe the damage he is causing to the people around him such as lady Macbeth or the country he rules. His self perception changes once more near the end of the play spiraling even

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