Self Reflection Paper As A Writer

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Self-Assessment The purpose of this paper is to reflect on my development as a writer over the course, Being in Touch, in the semester. The multitude writing opportunities were experiences to learn how to write for a college-level course that mainly focused on writing for research or grant-seeking papers. The paper will contain the following developments: clear knowledge of assignment requirements, clearly conveying intentions as a writer, and understanding the perspective of the readers. I learned that having a clear knowledge of the requirements for the assignment aided in the writing process. Previously when writing, I used deviate from the question of the prompt many times. However, throughout the semester, I learned that doing the fullest on the assignment required my full understanding of the prompt. To avoid the mistake of deviating from the prompt, I outlined the beginning and ending of …show more content…

Some things that constitute good writing habits are omitting ambiguous pronouns from the writing, and having clear introductory and concluding sentences, transitional phrases. Pronouns are a grammatical feature that can be found in many works of writing, thus I did not know that they were not good habits of writing. However, I learned that too many pronouns could obscure the meaning of the writing and leave the readers confused. Now, I do my best to omit all pronouns and replace with the antecedents to clarify sections of the paper. In the beginning of the course, I struggled with introduction sentences and transitional phrases. I was accustomed because they felt repetitive. However, through Dr. Ludington, I learned that writing is “say what you’re going to tell, tell, and say what you’ve told them.” Thus, repetition by the use of introductory, concluding, and transitional phrases in writing was actually a tool to clarify parts of the paper and writer’s intentions for the

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