Senator Joseph Mccarthyism In The Crucible

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Communists have political views and witches have spells but, they are both similar in eccentric ways. In The Crucible, written by Arthur Miller, Abigail Williams sends the whole town on a witch hunt so she can get what she wants. Abigail never got what she intended to and got several people arrested and even killed. In the movie Good Night and Good Luck Senator Joseph McCarthy did something similar. He sent people on a “witch hunt” for communists and had numerous people arrested because they were thought to be communist but actually were not. Although their beliefs weren’t exactly the same they did have similar behaviors and motives. There were many secrets and lies told in The Crucible one of them being the affair John Proctor had with Abigail. She wanted to be with John because she fell in love but John realized his …show more content…

In the movie Murrow and the CBS team would go back and forth on deciding whether or not to make the story and put on television. John Proctor, reverend Parris, and other people in the town wanted to tell the court that Abigail was lying but the only evidence they had of exposing her would also make them suffer because of the crime John did himself. Also reverend Parris didn’t really want to tell the court of Abigail’s lies because it wouldn’t do him any good in the town. Abigail and Senator Joseph McCarthy both believed that if they disposed of the people in the way of what they wanted, they would get it. I mean Joseph McCarthy wasn’t in love with someone who was married and that wasn’t why he had many people arrested but he did have a thought process to get rid of people he thought of as a threat. Elizabeth was a threat to Abigail so i guess the only reason to be with the person she loved she had to get rid of her. They took the same motives when trying to get what they