Senior Soldier Narrative

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Today is April, 1944 and something weird is going on today. while my family and I were hibernating in our homes all cozy, the next thing we know is that we are taking into a truck with other people. I was so terrified as if an Arrow suddenly struck my heart, paralyzing my body. Although I do not know what we have done or who these people are I am just happy to be with my family. I really hope that goes fine until I figure out what is really happening. My thoughts right now are telling me that we are being transported or something because all of my neighbors are all being taken from our homes and comfort. Everything just flashed before my eyes. At the moment, I am in a moving car with people I know and do not know, but what I don 't know is what is happening right now. My first question is why are we under the custody of soldiers, unfamiliar soldiers? The soldiers are wearing green Soldier uniforms, most with guns and some without them. It is unusual for unfamiliar soldiers to pick up a neighborhood of Jewish people, like …show more content…

I know now that we are being transported because we 're Jewish, but is it vacation or is it a bad thing that is happening.Since Robert told me that we are going to Munkacs , ghetto I wonder what that place looks like. If it is still beautiful, ugly, worn out, or average. If it is a vacation I will be satisfied and happy of decisions that the soldiers are making. If it is something bad, and I would be worried and scared and not even knowing it. It is just like what I have learned in school. when a rabbit 's is a big carrot laying in the field he is wondering if it is there because of the angel or if it 's there because of the trap. It would never know until it sees it. The same thing is happening with me, but it is real life. Like a rabbit I will have to trust things on luck in see if my thoughts are true or wrong. I really hope that they are true and it is a vacation come up, but if not I do not know what to do in that type of