
Sensation Of Moving Across Space And Time: Black Queer Diasporic Desire

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The event that I attended for my extra-curricular activity was a feminist lunch, spoken by R. Cassandra Lord called “Sensation of Moving Across Space and Time: Black Queer Diasporic Desire “on de Road” which took place on Thursday, November, 24th at 12:00 noon to 1:30pm. This event went through a series of topics such as movement, de road, sensations and the promise of freedom for black queers. These key points were related to aspects of the Pelau MasQUEERade which is a parade in which many colour people attended who were queer and from all different races. They did this because they felt more accepted and visible in this activity then in parades such as Gay Pride due to the overwhelming majority of white male queers that attended, making coloured queers feel that their whole identity was not being celebrated such as race and gender, and that only their queer sexuality was being acknowledged. Relating …show more content…

The road was a way to include those who felt excluded. The sensations of the event emphasised the importance of music and dance which encouraged freedom of sexuality, sexual intimacy with one another as people danced with whomever sex they pleased, breaking heteronormativity. Being able to explore and express one’s self is all encouraged throughout the course. By looking at location and history as to uncover the roots that make people excluded, actions and defiance can occur to respond to e.g. racism as to re construct belonging and the idea of queers, sparking social change. These activist actions are an example of what our course encourages and also teaches, that throughout history, women and rights have been obtained through activism and defiance to the normativity, bring us all closer to

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