
Sensory Language Ahmedi

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Ahmedi’s use of sensory language contributes to the power of her story because it allows the reader to engage their creative understanding in order to fully comprehend and enjoy the story. This is because when Ahmedi uses sensory language, it makes the reader’s five senses become involved; therefore, leading the reader to be able to imagine the plot going down as if they witnessed it. Ahmedi uses different types of sensory language, such as imagery, and when a scene is described, you tend to imagine it in your mind, so this shows how sensory language works to bring a story to life and make it impactful, and how the way Ahmedi used it contributed to the power of her story.

In the story, Ahmadi uses a lot of sensory language including: imagery, onamonapia, olfactory words (smell), and tactile words (touch), and all of these words help the reader understand what the characters were surrounded by therefore allowing them to clearly process what is happening or what happened. …show more content…

As we got closer, the crowd thickened, and I could hear the roar and clamor at the gate. The Afghans were yelling something, and the Pakistanis were yelling back.” This is proof that when you read words that trigger your senses, you really do imagine the people jostling up against the gate and hear the sounds of the gate being rattled, or the people yelling at each other, so essentially it helps the reader understand whats going on and the message that the writer is trying to get across is much clearer. The evidence I presented supports my first reason, because it shows the connection between the events in the story to the reader imagining them occurring, and how it affects the way the story is interpreted. Being able to associate different senses with a story allows the reader to feel more connected to the events in the plot, as if they were

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