
Serpent Archetypes In Hamlet By William Shakespeare

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Throughout life betrayal is inevitable; in most situations one cannot plan or avoid being betrayed. Betrayal can happen to anyone but is usually driven by a similar force. Archetypes are repeated elements, which represent similar forces in life and literature. A serpent is an archetype that can symbolize evil, deception, and backstabbers. In today’s society serpents are everywhere, people will do anything to further their value in this world. This type of person will do anything to feel more important than those around them. These people turn into serpents to achieve this. They backstab the ones that care about them the most. In the end people like this usually end up unhappy and alone. Shakespeare uses the serpent archetype in the play Hamlet. …show more content…

One way Claudius represents the serpent is when he killed his brother, the king, Hamlet Sr. Hamlet Sr. is a beloved king that had a great amount of power. Claudius is jealous of his Brother and decided to take that power away from him. “The serpent that did sting my Father’s life now wears his crown.” (Shakespeare 1.5. 44-45). Claudius let the evil side of his control his actions, which led him to betray his brother. Claudius being a serpent resulting in him killing his brother. Claudius believe power was more important than family. The serpent snuck his way up to the top by hurting those in his way. Claudius didn’t think twice when killing his brother. The serpent took over Claudius’s mind causing the act of betrayal to happen. The Serpent can not only directly betray someone but can push another to commit the act of …show more content…

Claudius, the serpent, feels threatened by his nephew, hamlet. Claudius does not want to lose his recently gained throne. He convinces Rosencrantz and Guildenstern, Hamlets close childhood friends, to do his dirty work for him. “The present death of Hamlet. Do it, England: for like the hepatic in my blood he rages, And now must cure me.” (Shakespeare 4.3. 70-72). Claudius uses his serpent characteristics to trick the two into betraying Hamlet. Claudius lied saying that murdering Hamlet when he is in England will help Denmark. “Ay, Sir: that soaks up the kings countenance, his revals his authorities, but such officials do the king best services in the end.” (Shakespeare 4.2. 16-18). Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are blinded by the serpent’s evil ways. The two believe Claudius will give them power and money if they Betray Hamlet. The serpent uses deception to trick the two into acting like a serpent. Claudius influence on Rosencrantz and Guildenstern continue to spread evil throughout

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