Service Learning Reflection Paper

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Sangho Choi Korean 290 8 Credits Service Learning Reflection It has been a memorable journey in the semester of Fall 2016. I had an opportunity to be the part of Service Learning program at Kapiolani Community College. It has been couple years since high school that I volunteered with no material compensation. It was in the beginning of the semester, September. During the Korean 290 class with Professor Yuen, we had a speaker from Service Learning Department. The orientation included the details about Service Learning such as the ways that I should behave and serve toward the community. Since I had the orientation, I had different opportunities that I could volunteer through the places that I have given by Professor Yuen. On the campus, …show more content…

She and I coordinated the schedule and that it would be best for us for me to help the class on Tuesday and Thursday between 12:30 to 1:30 PM. Before I went to actual class as Student Helper, Professor Yuen had a short session in Korean 290 class regarding on the appropriate behavior and attitude as the Student Helper. After the session, I got more confident than before and bit more of eager to help other students in needs of second language. Which I can fully help them at my best. When I went to my very first class of Korean 101 class as the student helper, the diversity of class varied from hawaiian, japanese, filipino, and second generation Korean those who were born in the city. Because of the variety diversity, Japanese students had easier time adapting and understanding the language due to similar grammar structure in their countries. I decided to put more time on students that had struggles and frustrations so that they would not get behind from other classmates. With the difficulty of pronunciation, I tried to repeat the words or phrases multiple times to the students when they were …show more content…

First one would be approaching to the students before they approach to me. Some of the students could be shy to ask. So I approached to them first and asked and figured what they were lacking. The second is the sense, what I mean by is that finding the needs or struggles based on their behaviors and atmosphere. This is one of the thing that exists in Korean culture and would mostly put the empathy towards this meaning of the word. The last Korean value is the experience. As the time goes, I felt more comfortable confronting the students. Which I was getting more experienced. The value “experience” was precious than anything. If I were to reflect and evaluate myself and the future plan, I think I did decent overall. I was a little shy in the beginning since it was my first time being the student helper. As I got comfortable, I gained the patient and understanding. When I first began as the student helper, students those who didn’t understand with multiple repetition and those who weren’t able to pronounce would annoyed a bit, but when I thought about my proficiency of the foreign language, I fully understood their pronunciation and

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