Simon got brutally murdered, the boys saw things, jack was on a killing rampage, lots of bad things happened on the island and the setting played a big role in all of it. By examining the storm on the island, the isolation, the mysterious things that went on and the absence of adults, we can see how the setting played a role in the events in the story and what effects it had on the characters. Being stuck on a island with no adults was hard for the boys, they made shelters and fires all on there own."There aren't any grownups. We shall have to look after ourselves."(Page 33, WG).It also had a toll on what the boys did. Ralph and Jack fought for power and control throughout the book. Having no adults with them brought out there inner want of power."Shut up, said Ralph absently. He lifted the conch. Seems to me we ought to have a chief to decide things."(Page 12,WG) This lead to raids on ralphs camps daily because Jack wanted control. At the start of the book, Roger threw rocks at Hennery, he wasn’t trying to hit him but rather scare him . Roger began to realize more and more that there was no rules or adults to govern him and actions. "The taboo of the old life. Round the squatting child was …show more content…
Having no parents telling them what to do wasn’t the only thing that influenced the events that happened. The major storm on the island had a big effect on Simons death. When Ralph and Piggy went over to Jacks camp to talk to them the storm had just started to pick up, it was as if it was warning the boys about the violence to occur. Simon had just had just realized that the beast was not real and was coming from within the boys. As he craws back to the camp where Jacks tribe is doing a terrifying tribe dance, the storm picks up even more. This adds to the aggression in jacks tribe. Simon then came out of the woods and Jacks tribe thought he was the beast and they and killed Simon by stabbing him many