Seventeen Magazine Ad Summary

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When consumers first encounter an ad, the first impression they have would be if the advertisement attracts them or not and if they would buy the product. In Seventeen Magazine's June/July 2013 edition, an advertisement for shaving cream produced by the brand called eos appeared. The ad portrays a white woman's leg with writing on it in shaving cream, as well as a basic product description with the picture of the product. The eos brand did not solely use a white woman's leg to promote the popularity of the ad to a wider range of audiences. The brand specifically uses language tactics and widely-known American semiotics, shown through the ad's design, to be able to promote their brand. This includes mentioning the product's benefits, as well as phrases that the targeted audience, specifically young women between their teen years and their thirties, would want …show more content…

A picture of a bright pink and white shaving cream bottle was placed on the very top left corner of the ad. The picture of the bottle only takes up a small amount of space in the ad compared to the other elements, yet it still stands out enough to where it is one of the first things a consumer sees while looking at the ad. It is presumptive to believe that the ad chose to do this exclusively for the young women targeted by this ad to be able to recognize the bottle whenever they see it at the store and to more likely purchase it. On the other hand, the actual design of the bottle can go unrecognized. The eos brand did not unintentionally choose the design of the bottle to be pink. Pink is a semiotic color that is widely known to be feminine and associated with the female gender, specifically in the United States. The ad did this to attract their young women audience to their product in order for them to believe that if they use their product, they would ultimately become more

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