
Sex Superbug Could Be Worse Than Aids

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The knowledge that there is a disease with the potential to not only match butpossibly eclipse the detrimental nature of HIV is mortifying to say the least. The articleSex Superbug Could Be’ Worse Than Aids’ written by Mark Koba states that in 2009 adiscovery was made in japan while screening a women for sexually transmitted diseases.What was discovered was a strain of Gonorrhea resistant to antibiotics known as HO41.This strain of Gonorrhea has been categorized as a superbug grouped among diseasessuch as HIV. However the implications of this disease are far worse than HIV for severalreasons.The article Sex Superbug Could Be’ Worse Than Aids’ written by Mark Koba informsyou about the typical ailments that Gonorrhea can typically cause if not

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