Sex Trafficking Essay

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In broadest sense, human trafficking can be understood as the transportation of a person – man, woman or a child – from one place to another, which may be with a nation or transnational, by improper means such as force, coercion, abduction or fraud for improper purposes such as various forms of labor (bonded labor, forced labor, child labor), commercial sexual exploitation, domestic servitude and forced marriage, organ removal, exploitation of children in begging, and warfare. Sex trafficking is a part of human trafficking, whereby, a person is trafficked for purpose of commercial sexual exploitation. Merriam Webster defines sex trafficking as: ‘the illegal business of recruiting, harboring, transporting, obtaining, or providing a person and especially a minor for the purpose of sex’. Sex trafficking can occur in a range of venues such as fake massage businesses, via escort services, in residential brothels, on the street or at truck stops, or at hotels and motels . 1.2 International Covenants and Treaties At present, the international covenants and protocols do …show more content…

For this purpose, OHCHR strategy has launched a series of regional Commentary on the Recommended Principles and Guidelines on Human Rights and Human Trafficking assisting member states, intergovernmental entities, and civil society organizations to approach the issue in a rights-based manner. It has further actively enhanced the inter-agency cooperation and coordination among relevant UN bodies and international organizations through its membership in the Inter-agency Coordination Group against Trafficking in Persons (ICAT), the UN Global Initiative to Fight Human Trafficking (UN.GIFT), and the Alliance Expert Coordination

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