Sexual And Violent Music Synthesis Essay

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This research paper addresses the issue of increased use of sexual and violent lyrics in music these days, and the effect this has on the young generation on behavioral, psychological, and social levels. This is significant as it causes detrimental effects and threats on societies all together, whatever their cultures may be. Here, heavy music refers to heavy metal, hard rock, rap, punk rock, and aggressive pop music. The arguments and statistical figures provided in this essay are all extracted from a combined list of journal articles, reviews, book chapters, websites, and published research studies. Arguments and counter arguments for the use of sexual and violent lyrics will be provided in the purpose of demonstrating all facts and sides …show more content…

Starting with musicians, their most shallow excuse for their music is the urge to express themselves and that such expression is healthy, as in the words of Kanye West, “First thing is I’m an artist and as an artist I will express how I feel with no censorship" (Cobb, 2016). People in the domain argue that behavioral effects differ based on the individual’s personality, the way he/she was brought up, their surrounding environment and their overall level of awareness. In addition to that, Societies and way of living has become loaded in pressures, violence, crimes and stressors more than ever and any of these many problems in addition to one’s personal history can trigger its own psychological state and mental changes. Moreover, if observational learning plays a role in accumulating violent behavior, desensitization actually does the complete opposite simultaneously. Desensitization refers to a gradual reduction in emotional responsiveness to a usually arousing stimulus as a result of repetitive continuous exposure to that stimulus (Krahé, 2011). In other words, teens and even musicians themselves become sensitized and formalized with such type of music that they no longer elicit the same initial response. They believe that desensitization actually reduces anxiousness and anxiety towards any of these

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