
Sexual Identity In The Classroom Essay

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How discourse expresses sexual identity in my classroom?
The social differences have appeared in all the history of human being. However, social differences have many factors such as social class, religion, race, gender among others. It is very important to focus on one that has had many studies in the social history since we have been part of a range of social groups. It is the gender difference referred in language, where sexual identity can be identified through a discourse determine a that it differentiates between men and women in my class there are various marked ways.
One of these marks according gender in language is the differences that exist pronunciation between men and women. Women pronounced better than men. Shuy (1969) made …show more content…

For instance, like it was said in the paragraph above Ecuadorian grew up with “machismo” mentality this influence here in the vocabulary too, at the moment to say some words on some phrases that are used only for women or men. For example, I could hear that a mother said to her boy do not cry, you are a man. Like that only women have the right to cry because if a man is crying many people say that is only for women. Furthermore, we can notice that men and women tend to choose different words to show their feelings. For example, only women have the right to be frightened, she usually shouts out. “Tengo miedo” I’m scared. Instead of happening with men If they say “Tengo miedo” I´m scared this phrase said for a man people think he is a coward and womanish. In addition, vocabulary has a loose contribution with pros and cons that show sexual identity in discourses such as color words that are specific to women and men. For woman is special fuchsia, pink, and purple. Women are good at wearing and speaking, this color in their selections. But men may not use these words in their vocabulary. However, we know all of these vocabulary are stereotypes. On the other hand, there are some words that are used more for women than men these are adjectives because at the moment to describe something using more than one adjective. For example, when Teacher shows his /her students a

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