Sexualization Of Women In Advertising Essay

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One significant problem in contemporary culture that concerns me is that women are viewed as objects. In present day, the expectation is that they have to have a perfect face and body. Since I was a little girl I was emerged into a society with these expectations, women are supposed to be flawless. We see it everywhere - in magazines, movies, TV shows, and especially in advertisements. A person who has inspired me is Jean Kilbourne, she is a speaker known for her work on the image of women portrayed in advertising. This problem has spilled into the advertising targeted for young girls who are barely eight, nine, or ten years old, I personally find these ads sickening due to how young these girls are. Advertising companies are sexualizing ads targeted to these girls, which is quite gruesome. Adult women are viewed as perfect if they are abnormally thin, if they don’t have that unwanted thigh gap, if they have fair or light skin, if they remain looking young even in their forties, which is just not realistic. Women in today’s society are set up for failure due to these outrages expectations and Photoshop. …show more content…

I am comfortable with my body and how I look but there’s always this expectation that haunts me due to producers using actors seventeen, eighteen, or older portraying adolescents who are fourteen, fifteen, or sixteen. Whenever I watch TV shows with adolescents my age they look like supermodels, they dress well, they wear makeup, and they have flawless skin, which is not how adolescents are in reality. These are the years where we’re trying to discover who we are, how we want to dress, how we want people to see us. This problem is spreading from women to girls younger than ten years old, which in my opinion is a big

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