Sh She's Influence On Child Development

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The child’s social development is well development she like to sing and dance you can see that during music time when she does the dance with the whole class and sometime even start randomly dance when the teacher turns on the music to get ready for music time. Sometime she will be walking around the classroom when she is looking for a station she will start singing unknown songs. She is very independent and need very little help with things she can put on her own shoes although she still need help tying them still, she can write her own name clearly on papers and washed her hands, can pour our milk and can eat all by herself. She is alway playing with one of her classmates and is very friendly whenever you look around she is playing in some center with a group of people and get along with anyone who joins in her play. …show more content…

Her physical development she can hop and jump during song at music time she can also climb up and down the ladder to get in and out of the loft area. She is good at skipping and walking where other children around her maybe still trip and don’t get the pattern of skipping just