
How Does Shakespeare Use Repetition In Macbeth's Speech

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Macbeth by Shakespeare. Macbeth is a dark story that shows the destructive power of greed and the dangerous of allowing power to be in the hands of the wrong person. Throughout this story we witness the rise of main character Macbeth and we watch as his ambition causes him to become a person who's willing to harm even those closest to him, in order to get what he wants so he can quickly rise to the top. Macbeth in his castle is preparing to defend himself against Macduff’s army. During this time he hears the cry of a woman, upon this he comments that he has almost forgotten the taste of fears. Once Seyton returns he delivers the news of lady Macbeth’s death, Macbeth almost unfazed delivers the line, “ She should have died hereafter, / There would have been a time for such a word.” (V, 5, 17-8) This speech by Macbeth reveals his views on life, it is utterly meaningless. Throughout the beginning of his speech Macbeth reveals his thought of people only living to reach their …show more content…

Shakespeare begins using repetition in, “Out, out, brief candle!” (V, 5, 23) This is done to portray the slipping of life. The “brief candle” is a metaphor, is meant to be lady Macbeth. Just as the candle has been extinguished, lady Macbeth’s life has been extinguished, ending much sooner than it should have. In the three lines, “Life’s but a walking shadow, a poor player that struts and frets his hour upon the stage and then is heard no more.” (V, 5, 24-26) Shakespeare uses both metaphor and personification to emphasize how short life is, comparing life to an actor who is on stage to perform their act and once their play is finished, they’re not heard from again. In his final lines Macbeth states life, “is a tale told by an idiot, full of sound and fury, signifying nothing.” (V, 5, 26-28) Shakespeare uses metaphor and alliteration to emphasize on the meaningless of

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