
Shatter Me Quotes

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In the novel Shatter Me, by Tahereh Mafi, there are many forces that could be considered to have an impact on society. Shatter Me is a dystopian novel meant for the teen and young adult readers. The novel follows Juliette, who is a 17-year-old girl. She is known for her lethal touch that is very unique. She is able to cross lines that nobody has been able to cross before. Two main forces would be the control and resistance that is found throughout the novel and the rest of the trilogy. The ability to have control and resistance in one novel is very difficult to show from both sides. First of all, control has a major impact on the novel. Juliette was originally locked up to control her powers. Juliette says the quote, “I don’t mind his questions, …show more content…

It’s strange to have have to exert energy to move my lips to form words necessary to explain my actions” (Mafi, 29) This is describing when she first met Adam. Her life had been so controlled by being locked up. She hadn’t seen a human in forever. On the first page it says she's been locked up for 264 days and 6,336 hours. Because of the control, she almost forgot how to speak to a person, let alone what she looked like. In the novel, Juliette didn’t have the control for when she showered either. She had a certain time limit to shower before the doors locked to her cell again. When people are unable to have control of their own lives in today’s society, people would go mad. Being told when and how quickly to shower would make people go mad. Everyone does their own thing in their own time. Controlling someone, by telling them what to do with their every move will stress them out. When Adam first came to Juliette’s cell, she had to quickly show him where the showers were. The control doesn’t stop there either. When Juliette is finally able to escape, she finds out how controlling the government is to the rest of the community. It’s been so long since she's been outside, that she never noticed how poorly some people were living. The government wanted everyone to …show more content…

The resistance is a force, but is also a name for the group that is hoping to push the government out of control to maintain a healthy society and community. When Juliette first finds out about the Resistance, she feels that no one can help the community let alone her. Later on she says, “Hope is hugging me, holding me in its arms, wiping away my tears and telling me that today and tomorrow and two days from now I will be just fine and I'm so delirious I actually dare to believe it” (Mafi, 139.) This is describing how her hope has changed from beginning to end. Having hope and faith in today’s society can sometimes get you through the rough patches in your life. The Resistance, in the novel, is there to help the society to come out of their shells and fight back. If the society won’t take a stand, then nothing will get accomplished. Some people today think that if there was no resistance then there wouldn’t be any problems. This is false. If everyone thought the same way then there wouldn’t be any debate to see if something is good or bad for our society today. The Resistance is the positive force pushing against control. Once the community is able to overthrow the controlling government, there will hopefully be peace in the world. Without resistance in today’s society, we wouldn’t be who we are today. People are meant to disagree with each other. That is just the way it is. People can learn new things from arguing about something. Someone may

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