Shawshank Film Analysis

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This absolutely amazing movie has many strange features and a story line that captures its audience in thought. Although it has a strange view it is one of the most unique movies ever because in this movie you learn about how all these bad men did so many terrible things but while in the prison most of them create tight friendships over many years. The sad thing that you learn is that this prison is completely different behind closed doors
The director uses many film techniques but I believe the key moments in the movie are highlighted brilliantly because of these effects. When Andy escaped through the sewage pipe and he jumps up… the lightning strikes at the exact same time as he opens his arms towards the sky which emphasized Andy’s feeling …show more content…

People are locked up metaphorically because of the isolation that you have from the outer world and so when you get out, everything seems strange and different and you are unable to cope with the new environment. Depending on the situation that people get into while in the prison depends on how well you may be able to manage in the outer world for example someone that gets put into solitary confinement for a very long time is more likely to struggle when they leave because they won’t have had any human contact/company for a very long time. People are locked up literally in the sense that they can’t escape the prison and they get locked in prison cells every …show more content…

Andy is seen as this quiet, nerdy person that doesn’t seem to want any trouble while Red is a resourceful, open and honest man with lots of wisdom. Morgan Freeman was chosen for the role of Red because he has an authoritative presence, a wise look and a deep, captive voice. Tim Robbins was chosen for the Role of Andy due to his looks and his always calm attitude, he looks nerdy but he has still got a quiet strength and stature about him.
This movie was put together with a spectacular overall effort and is without a doubt one of the best movies to have ever been created. It has a great life lesson on how hope is always good and If you hope for long enough your generally get what you