Based on a short story by Stephen King, The Shawshank Redemption is a prison drama revolving around the life of Andy Dufresne played by Tim Robbins,who is falsely sent to prison for the death of his wife and her lover.It co-stars Morgan Freeman and is both written and directed by Frank Darabont. Released in 1994, the film garnered widespread critical acclaim but failed miserably at the box office. Narrated by Morgan Freeman himself, the movie depicts a friendship between two prison inmates and their struggles to survive in a cruel and inhuman penal system.Dejected and depressed,Andy arrives at the shawshank prison after receiving a life sentence and remains in his hole for a while.Being different than the rest, he is regularly beaten,harassed and even sexually assaulted by a group of homosexual maniacs.Slowly, he bonds with one of the inmates “Red”(Freeman) who over the years acts as a …show more content…
The movie contains virtually all the elements associated with this genre, for example the cruel warden, the sadistic guard, the bullies etc. but what sets it apart is the emotional impact it has on its viewers.Frank Darabont, manages to hold the viewers spellbound from start to finish.Even though the lead performances are par excellence,the director makes sure that even the most minor supporting characters are well thought out and written, transforming them into thoroughly fascinating figures. There are many memorable scenes.My personal favourite is the one in which the inmates get a taste of chilled beer after working for hours under torrid conditions.That feeling of contentment in their eyes looked so realistic and