
Sherlock And Morrison Research Paper

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“If I’m only second best, who is the best?” - Sherlock asked Doctor Mortimer in the The Hound of The Baskervilles; (page number)this question will be answered very soon. Another detective, by the name of Hercules Poirot, says “ ( insert quote that applies)” (page number).... These two detectives are two very similar, yet very different detectives. The stories and books of each detective were written in different time periods, writing styles, and beliefs. each author of the detectives had an idea, different of each others, that they portrayed through their books. Agatha Christie’s Hercules Poirot and Sir Arthur Conan Doyle's Sherlock Holmes utilize their personalities very differently due to their settings and time periods in the book, causing …show more content…

While Sherlock may rely on the help of Watson, he is still extraordinarily smart himself.While Sherlock may rely on the help of Watson, he is still extraordinarily smart himself. In The Hound of the Baskervilles, Watson contributes by collecting information about the neighbors of the Baskerville family, while Sherlock watches from nearby and compiles information of his own. Sherlock even gives his thanks to Watson for all the information and help he has given to him. Also, Watson helps build the plot by being the focused focused viewpoint in the story. If Watson was not in the story, Sherlock would have a much harder time solving mysteries. In fact, Sherlock can be at times, very dependent on Watson. Eliminating Watson is like eliminating O from …show more content…

Hercules Poirot is better in the case of sidekicks. Since he does not need one, like Sherlock, he has better deductive skills. What makes him even better is that all of his sidekicks are red herrings, making it even harder for him to solve his mysteries. For example when The doctor on the Orient Express gets Hercules to go into a cargo container and tries to kill Hercules when he is about to solve the mystery.Hercules Solved the of Murder in less than a day, despite the setbacks. Sherlock solved the mystery of the hound in four to seven days, and it had almost the same amount of complications as in the Murder on the Orient Express. Both times they have a murder and have to go far back into family trees to figure out the motive. However, Hercules figures out the mystery in a shorter amount of time, with a red herring sidekick and more skill than Sherlock. In this case, Hercules surpasses Sherlock with his skills and

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