Shooting An Elephant, No Witchcraft For Sale, And B Wordsworth

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Works in literature often point to similar themes. Most all humans understand the same universal themes that relate to life. Through literature some of these main points are all based around the same idea. Throughout this school year we have encountered some literature with the same universal themes. The themes that stood out to me are: You are going to be judged no matter what decision you make, people are going to use you for their benefit, and everybody is different. The universal theme that all humans are different and everyone is judged or used at a point in life is evident in: Shooting an Elephant, No Witchcraft for sale, and B. Wordsworth. First of all, Shooting an Elephant is a work about a man who works for his town as a policeman basically. He is supposed to keep his community safe and please the people. When an elephant gets into the town, it goes on a rant and …show more content…

There was a white family who owned a plantation and the main character was the cook in the house. The cook, who was an older black man, had seen this family grow and watched the family’s son grow up. When he noticed changes in the young boy growing up he lost his connection with him. One day the little boy is in an accident and almost loses his eye. The man runs to get a certain plant and slaves the young boy’s life. The black man is different from the family because he was black and different from the other slaves because they probably wouldn’t have even attempted to help the little boy, which also got him judged. When the parents ask how he healed the little boy the man doesn’t give them the secret. They go out in search of this “miracle plant” that healed the boy and even ask the other slaves and they don’t know what it could have possibly been. The family tries to use the man’s knowledge of healing and find the plant so that others can use it to get better. He does not give it to them and he goes on about his