Shooting An Elephant Rhetorical Analysis

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“Whenever you read a good book, somewhere in the world a door opens to allow in more light.” This quote by Vera Nazarian sums up the reason for reading. Especially in “Shooting An Elephant”, readers can learn so much about the world and the people who live in it. For example, elocutionists learn many details about the nature of man by analyzing George Orwell’s style in this literary work. As a result of George Orwell manipulating the elements of style such as tone, pace, and character development in “Shooting An Elephant”, readers can conclude that there are many sides, or natures of men. Orwell’s speech throughout his work allows perusers to put the nature of man into perspective. By examining Orwell’s tone throughout this short story, lectors can deduce that a nature of man is to be bitter. For example, when the protagonist confesses that he opposes the European empire, he displays his hostile attributes. The raconteur in this chronicle also speaks with exaggeration. He reveals this when he says that two thousand people where following him when there were actually many less than that. The speaker in “Shooting An Elephant” also …show more content…

The human inclination to please others exists in this allegory through the storyteller. He only shoots the elephant with the motive to charm and delight his peers. Mankind’s tendency to dominate clearly portrays itself throughout Orwell’s work because a number of characters are yearning to monopolize. For example, the chronicler aches to prevail over the elephant so he can be accepted by those around him. This anecdote also allows readers to conclude that man cares about their self-image. The narrator attempts to protect his ego so he will not feel rejection from his community. The character development throughout “Shooting An Elephant” allows readers to relate and sympathize with the literary