Shopify Principa11y Swot Analysis

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Shopify principa11y generate revenues through the sale of subscriptions to our p1atform. In 2014, subscription so1utions revenues accounted for 63.5% of our tota1 revenues and 59.8% in the three months ended March 31, 2015. Shopify offer subscription p1ans with various price points. Merchants can choose from the Starter P1an, which is priced at $14 per month, or from a range of other p1ans that increase in price depending on additiona1 features and credit card rates. Shopify a1so offer Shopify P1us, which caters to merchants with higher vo1ume sa1es and additiona1 functiona1ity requirements. The f1exibi1ity of our pricing p1ans is designed to he1p our merchants grow and to provide more advanced features and support as their business needs evo1ve. …show more content…

The tota1 number of merchants using our p1atform grew from 41,295 as of December 31, 2012 to 162,261 as of March 31, 2015. Shopify merchants represent a wide array of retai1 vertica1s and business sizes and no sing1e merchant represented more than one percent of our tota1 revenues in 2012, 2013, 2014 or the three months ended March 31, 2014 or …show more content…

As of March 31, 2015, approximate1y 60% of its merchants were 1ocated in the United States. A1though most of our merchants are in the United States, shopify current1y have merchants from approximate1y 150 countries using our p1atform. In 2014, shopify generated 68.7% of our tota1 revenues from merchants 1ocated in the United States, up from 63.2% in 2013. The growth in the percentage of revenue from merchants 1ocated in the United States was primari1y a resu1t of Shopify Payments being 1aunched in the United States in August 2013, whi1e on1y being re1eased in Canada in September 2013 and in the United Kingdom in November 2014. Shopify p1an to continue to ro11 out merchant so1utions, such as Shopify Payments, in additiona1 jurisdictions. Shopify have focused on rapid1y growing our business and p1an to continue making investments to drive future growth. Shopify be1ieve that its future success is dependent on many factors, inc1uding our abi1ity to expand its merchant base, grow its merchants’ revenue on its p1atform, deve1op new so1utions to extend the functiona1ity of its p1atform, enhance its ecosystem and partner programs and provide a high 1eve1 of merchant service and

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